Dear parents,
(Motherland Public School was started in 1984-85 with sole objective of providing an educational infrastructure to your mind. The concept that goes with is to create an atmosphere of brilliance in your child in the first year of his stepping stone. We solicit your child Presence in Motherland Public School for brighter and beautiful tomorrow.)
Motherland Public School is an English Medium Co-educational School which provide education for all and develop critical and analytical abilities to enable the student to relate and use the knowledge in real situation.
Dear Students,
In Motherland Public School we teach our students to aim for great goals and reach higher, we teach them to reach out far and seek further, we teach our students to introspect and look deeper. In Motherland Public School we teach them to dream and reach out for those dreams.
We transform dreams into reality, thoughts into ideas into action.That is magic of Motherland Public School.